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Dairy Cow-FleckviehProduct name : Dairy Cow-Fleckvieh Item : C-06 Details :Fleckvieh cattle started in 1830 when original Simmental Cattle from Switzerland were imported to Bavaria and to Austria to improve the local dual-purpose breeds. At these times, the Simmental cattle were famous for their milk production and draught capacity but were late maturing with little depth and coarse bones. In 1920 the herd-book in Southern Germany was closed and the Fleckvieh was developed as an independent dual-purpose breed in Southern Germany, Austria, later also in parts of Italy and France. Breeding aims
The breeding aims now are focused on a "middle of the road type animal" with excellent muscling, good milk production and draught performance. Therefore an excellent performance testing system and a strict breeding programme exists. This systematic improvement of the production traits makes Fleckvieh a modern, high productive dual purpose breed that fits the economical needs of today. Standard of excellence for Fleckvieh cattle Female
Feminine appearance, wedge-shaped outline, especially when in milk, neither over-developed muscling, nor massive and heavy, no excessive fat deposit on any part of the body, well developed genital organs, heifers must show good udder and teat development. Male
Strong, masculine with good general muscle development particularly on forearm, shoulder, eye muscle and hind quarter; no excessive fat particularly in the flanks, brisket and around the tailhead; testes well developed and of uniform size, sheath not pendulous. Older bulls develop heavier and more muscular in the forequarter. Hair on the neck and head longer and coarser than females. Type and Balance
A dual purpose animal possessing a great measure of good beef and milk producing characteristics. Sex characteristics must be clearly visible and animals must have good frame, length, breadth, depth, capacity, balance and symmetry. Bulls more muscular than females. Temperament
Calm and placid, yet alert. Skin and Hair
Thick, ample, pliable and loose skin with short glossy hair with due allowance for the season and age. Colour and Pigmentation
Adequate pigmentation, hair colour may vary from dark to cream with white spots or patches in any pattern or even speckles irregularly spread over the body. Animals must have a white spot or blaze on the forehead with the underline predominantly white and white in the switch. Legs may be entirely coloured. Size and Weight
Animals must be well grown for their age. Head
Medium length and deep, strongly attached to the head and shoulders. More developed in the bull. Skin of the neck loose with deep folds with the dewlap extending from below the jaw to behind the brisket.
Forequarter / Shoulders
Shoulder-blade to slope slightly forward from top to bottom with the desired rounding and strong muscle attachment to the chest, withers and neck. Good width between the shoulder points, however not prominent. Chest depth in proportion to wither height, i.e. good relative chest depth and width. Well muscled forearm in bulls. Centre Piece
Long, wide and deep with good spring of rib (i.e. capacity), well blended into fore- and hindquarter.
Long, wide and deep, with well developed muscles joining the hindquarter firmly to the centerpiece. In the bull, the frame is covered with muscling, while cows may show more prominence in the hips. Hips wide and in proportion to the rest of the body. Good thurl - and pinbone width. Rump long and wide, with a slight fall to the pinbones. Thighs wide, well muscled, extending below the flank to a well developed second thigh. Tailhead straight, horizontal, however, my be set slightly high. Tail long with a large switch. Legs, Hovves, Stances and Stride
Udder and Teats
A capacious, well attached udder of high quality, revealing high production potential, viz long broad, of moderate depth with well balanced quarters. The udder is covered with short, soft, silky hair. Pliable and elastic n texture. Heifers must display good udder and teat development.
Genital Organs
Testicles firm, of equal size, well developed with a fairly short seminal cord. Controllable sheath, short to medium size, must hang diagonally to the front. ![]() ![]() Send Inquiry : |
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